Double Headed Eagle Valley of Albany

"We will strive to be a fraternity that fulfills our Masonic obligation to care for our members"


        The Red, White & Blue testimonial dinner is at 677 Prime on Friday, October 11th at 6:00 p.m.........

Congratulations to Sublime Prince Gerald Dievendorf on being elected to receive the 33rd degree, an honor that's well-deserved!

Day of Scots on June 17, 2023

Photo of Day of Scots

Albany Masonic Temple

The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry was first brought to the New World from France in the year 1763. Bro. Stephen Morin of Bordeaux established the 25 Masonic Degrees of the "Rite of Perfection" in the British West Indies.

He had been granted a patent, by Masonic authorities in Paris, appointing him the "Grand Inspector in all parts of the New World", which empowered Bro. Morin to found Lodges in North and South America.

In 1767 Stephen Morin's close associate Henry Francken transported this new Masonic Rite to Albany, New York, where he formed the first Ineffable Grand Lodge of Perfection in North America, with civil engineer Bro. William Gamble serving as its first master. The following year, the first Grand Council of Princes of Jerusalem was organized here. These lodges were the forerunners of what was to become the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite in the United States (and Canada). Thus, the Valley of Albany is the oldest valley in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, and the second oldest valley in the United States.

The Albany Masonic Temple, located at 67 Corning Place, Albany, NY 12207, is the home of the Valley of Albany. The temple stands within sight of the New York State Capitol building. On February 28, 1929, then Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt received The Scottish Rite Degrees here.

The Albany Temple is built on the same site, where, on May 12th, 1768, the cornerstone was laid for the first lodge house built and owned by a Masonic lodge (Master's Lodge No.5) in North America.

Since that time, this property has remained continuously vested in the hands of the Masonic Fraternity, the oldest such property known to exist in the world.

The present building, at 67 Corning Place, was erected in 1895-96 to the designs of Albany architects Fuller and Wheeler and incorporated such Italian Renaissance-style elements as rusticated stonework, a loggia with Ionic columns and wide eaves. The entry is flanked by polished stone columns with orbs and protected by a handsome wrought-iron gate.

The image to the right is from a post card dating from 1899.

Albany Masonic Temple
The Albany Temple contains many artifacts of early Masonry in America. Fine, 19th century furniture, such as this ornate, hand carved, Scottish Rite Master's chair, fill the temple's three lodge rooms and hallways.

Above the main entrance of Albany Masonic temple, is a large bust of Bro. James TenEyek, 33° (1840-1910). He was elected Grand Master of Masons in New York State in 1892, and was a great benefactor of Masonry in the Albany District for many years.

James TenEyek

"These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."   Bro. Thomas Paine, 1776

Valley of Albany Concordant Bodies

Ineffable & Sublime Grand Lodge of Perfection (est. 1767)
Tim Peltier, 32°, Thrice Potent Master

Grand Council of Princes of Jerusalem (est. 1768)
Robert Mack, 32°, Sovereign Prince

Albany Sovereign Chapter of Rose Croix (est. 1824)
Dan Martin, 32°, Most Wise Master

Albany Sovereign Consistory (est. 1824)
Al Nolette, 32°, Commander in Chief

Secretary, Valley of Albany
James E. Best III, 32°

"Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of." Bro. Benjamin Franklin

Current Meeting Schedule, Valley of Albany

Most recent issue of the Rite Light

Active & Honorary Members of the Supreme Council, 33°

Meritorious Service Award Recipients

Order of the Knights of the Double Eagle

Order of the Knights of Saint Andrew

"A Freemason, therefore, should be a man of honor and of conscience, preferring his duty to everything beside, even to his life; independent in his opinions, and of good morals, submissive to the laws, devoted to humanity, to his country, to his family; kind and indulgent to his brethren, friend of all virtuous men, and ready to assist his fellows by all means in his power." Bro. Albert Pike

What is "Scottish Rite" Freemasonry?

Our Scottish Rite Charities

If you are a Master Mason living within The Valley of Albany New York's jurisdiction and are truly seeking more light in Masonry, your Masonic brothers of the Valley of Albany extend an invitation to you to join them as a member of the Scottish Rite. CLICK HERE to download an application, which you can return to the valley secretary at the address above.

"Learn, that you may be enabled to do good; and do so because it is right, finding in the act itself ample reward and recompense." Bro. Albert Pike

Square & Compasses

Supreme Council Web Sites

Supreme Council, 33° Northern Masonic Jurisdiction - USA

Northern Masonic Jurisdiction YouTube Channel

Northern Masonic Jurisdiction on Facebook ("Like" to receive updates on NMJ news and events)

Other Masonic Web Sites

Grand Lodge of New York, F&AM

New York State Council of Deliberation

Old 17th Masonic District

Road to the East

Masonic Dictionary | Your Daily Lesson In Masonic Education

Masonic Lodge of Education

Inside the Masons (an excellent article)

Shriners of North America

General Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star

DeMolay International

George Washington Masonic National Memorial

Bro. DeWitt Clinton's Address on Masonry: 1793

Masonic Education Sources

The Founding Lodges at Albany, 1758

Historical Sketch of Albany Sovereign Consistory

Morals and Dogma, Bro. Albert Pike

Anti-Masonry: Points of View

"As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality." Bro. George Washington

"A Mason is bound to consult the happiness and to promote the interests of his Brother; to avoid everything offensive to his feelings; to abstain from reproach, censure, and unjust suspicions; to warn him of the machinations of his enemies; to advise him of his errors." Bro. DeWitt Clinton

"Masonic labor is purely a labor of love. He who seeks to draw Masonic wages in gold and silver will be disappointed. The wages of a Mason are in the dealings with one another; sympathy begets sympathy, kindness begets kindness, helpfulness begets helpfulness, and these are the wages of a Mason." Bro. Benjamin Franklin

"I ask of each Mason, of each member, of each brother, that he shall remember ever that there is upon him a peculiar obligation to show himself in every respect a good citizen; for after all, the way he can best do his duty by the ancient order to which he belongs is by reflecting credit upon that order by way in which he performs his duty as a citizen of the United States." Bro. Theodore Roosevelt

This web site was originally created and maintained by the late Distinguished Brother Robert Fickies as a service to his Masonic brothers.

This site was last updated -- September 9, 2024